Free weekly football sessions, with an emphasis on improving mental wellbeing
One in four people in the UK experiences mental health problems, and many studies have shown that sport is a great way of improving overall happiness, health and mental wellbeing, as well as alleviating the symptoms of depression.
Team Talk gives adults the chance to benefit from free weekly football, followed by a friendly and supportive social session. The initiative helps provide a friendly support group for its participants and to give them an outlet from day to day stresses, as well as being a great way to stay physically healthy and fit through football.
Friendly & inclusive weekly football
- 60 minutes of football training and small-sided matches, led by FA-qualified coaches
- 30-minute post-football ‘social’, with free coffee and cake provided.
- Support from a Foundation Mental Health First Aider
The Nest, Norwich, NR10 3AQ
Who is it for?
Men and women, aged 18+. All abilities are welcome.
Sign-up here