Extra-Curricular Clubs | Norwich City Community Sports Foundation

Sports clubs at lunchtime and after school

The Community Sports Foundation can help your school extend its provision by offering a variety of extra-curricular activities to suit the needs of your school and, more importantly, its pupils.

We currently deliver 120 extra-curricular clubs per week to schools across Norfolk.

After-School Clubs
The sessions run for an hour after school and can be booked and secured for the entire academic year with options to change the delivery topic for every half-term block.

Lunchtime Clubs
Our lunchtime clubs provide an ideal opportunity for children to develop skills, engage in physical activity and broaden their experiences whilst making friends and, most importantly, having fun.

Extra-Curricular Clubs can be paid through the school, or we offer a Parent Pay Club that would require a minimum number of pupils.

Scroll down to see the full list of extra-curricular activities and sports that are available.

To discuss the Community Sport Foundation’s Extra-Curricular Clubs in further detail, please contact our School Extra-Curricular Manager at [email protected]

A CSF football extra-curricular club will use the power of Norwich City Football Club to engage each participant through each session.

Children will learn techniques through a series of skill development drills and fun games that challenge their learning.

Each session will finish with a match to allow the pupils to perform what they have learned.

We have qualified coaches in many other sports which may be more engaging to pupils.

The sports that we can currently offer are:

  • Active Canaries
  • Athletics
  • Basketball
  • Dodgeball
  • Handball
  • High 5 Netball
  • Kwik Cricket
  • Mat-ball
  • Multi-Skills
  • Rounders
  • Tag Rugby
  • Tennis
  • Tri-golf

As well as offering each of the individual sports, we also offer a Multi-Sports option which allows the school or participants to choose which sports that they would like to participate in each week.

For each sport, the children will follow a coaching plan based around the core techniques / topics of the sport; these plans follow a logical order, as often techniques lead on from another. The plans also follow an educational theme by setting aims and objectives for each session.

Active Canaries is a new programme in partnership with Jordan Fitness, that aims to raise awareness and knowledge of physical wellbeing through a blend of physical activity and functional fitness training.

With the support of industry leaders Jordan Fitness, Active Canaries uses innovative and functional training equipment to engage KS2 school pupils, in fun and active sessions that get them moving in lots of different ways, whilst educating about the benefits of healthy active lifestyles

Sessions can be led by the CSF Coaching team as an after school or lunchtime provision or alternatively, the Active Canaries intervention programme consists of a 6-week course that balances physical activity with thought-provoking and engaging theory sessions to highlight the benefits of a healthy body and mind.