Meet the Apprentices! | Norwich City Community Sports Foundation

Story added: 8th February 2024

Meet Our Apprentices!

The week beginning 5th February 2024 is National Apprenticeship Week in the UK, and is the perfect opportunity for anyone considering pursuing an apprenticeship to find out more about the industry they’re interested in, to speak to people already involved in a apprenticeship or to experience a job role they feel passionate about for the first time.

Here, at the Community Sports Foundation, we took the time this week to speak to Olivia Cook, James Everett and Billy Life about their own apprenticeships and how they’re finding life working for the charity.

Olivia Cook

Job Role: Community Coach Apprentice

How has the apprenticeship benefitted you?

The apprenticeship has benefitted me in many ways – it’s helped me to improve important life skills like communication and social planning, whilst allowing me to gain a clearer vision of where I want to go with this in the future.

What’s been a standout moment for you?

I’ve really enjoyed working with a variety of participants and the guidance and support I’ve received from other staff at the Foundation has been absolutely amazing. It’s been great to get advice on how to improve my coaching from people who have been doing it for years.

What would you say to anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

Definitely go for it! I was unsure what I wanted to do after Sixth Form but knew it needed to be something to do with sport. My apprenticeship allows me to be practical and to engage in something I love and I haven’t looked back since I begun!

Olivia Cook

James Everett

Job Role: Community Coach Apprentice

How has the apprenticeship benefitted you?

The apprenticeship has benefitted me as it has allowed me to become more confident in delivering my sessions as well as allowing me to experience football from a different perspective – something I’ve really enjoyed.

What’s been a standout moment for you?

I’ve really enjoyed all aspects of my apprenticeship but coaching the disability sessions have really been a highlight for me. I used to be a participant myself, so to now lead the sessions that I loved so much is really special to me.

What would you say to anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

To anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship, I would say go for it, as you never know what positive impact it could have on you. When I first started my apprenticeship, I was very nervous and unsure of what to expect, but as I’ve grown into it I’ve become way more confident and feel really settled in.

James Everett

Billy Life

Job Role: Marketing & Communications Apprentice

How has the apprenticeship benefitted you?

The apprenticeship has allowed me to combine my love of football with my love of media and writing. I was unsure whether university was the right choice for me and felt I was more suited to a practical, hands-on approach to working life so this apprenticeship is definitely perfect! I’m always out and about taking photos and videos for social media.

What’s been a standout moment for you?

I’ve loved meeting some ex-Norwich City legends whilst on the job and last year’s annual Golf Day sticks out to me as a memorable moment. I spent the afternoon riding around the golf course on a buggy capturing footage for the social platforms, before meeting Brian Gunn and Wes Hoolahan – a moment I’ll never forget!

What would you say to anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

If you’re someone who likes experiencing a job to know if it’s the right pathway to take, then apprenticeships are definitely for you! They allow you to get an in-depth insight into working life, whilst engaging in an industry that you’re passionate about!

Billy Life

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