Story added: 25th April 2017
James Maddison visits The Clare School
Pupils at The Clare School received a treat on Tuesday, when City midfielder James Maddison dropped in for a session with the Community Sports Foundation.
The visit to the complex physical and sensory needs school marked the EFL’s Community Day of Action, as the Canaries joined all 72 EFL clubs, to showcase the power of football and the positive effects it can have on communities across the UK.
James helped Foundation coaches with their session, which included target games involving hoops and cones, before staying for a host of pictures with the pupils and school staff.
The Foundation’s disability team deliver sessions in the school each week to pupils with a broad range of complex needs, with emphasis on teamwork, movement, and coordination.
CSF Disability Development Officer Darren Hunter said:
“The group includes pupils with cerebral palsy, hearing impairments, and learning difficulties, while four of the participants use a wheelchair or walking frame.
“The school creates an environment that celebrates and encourages success and achievement, and this is something that extends to our sessions.”
On Tuesday, April 25, all 72 EFL clubs will come together for the Community Day of Action to celebrate their collective work with over a million individuals each year.
The EFL Trust, and club’s community programmes are investing approximately £50million into community projects over the course of this season, which also sees the EFL Trust celebrate its tenth anniversary.
EFL chief executive Shaun Harvey said:
“EFL clubs play a pivotal role in their communities, and what our inaugural Day of Action makes abundantly clear is how this work is having a significant impact, not just on match days but seven days a week, 365 days a year.”
Keep up with the EFL Community Day of Action on social media by searching the hash tag #EFLDayofAction.